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Watch above Saturday after 1 pm Eastern. We begin with the usual news roundup, followed by a discussion of E. Michael Jones’ conference “The Dangers of Beauty” held in Krk, Croatia May 5-11.
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E. Michael Jones Discusses His “Dangers of Beauty” Conference in Krk, Croatia

Extract from Jones’ forthcoming Culture Wars article:
…I arrived in the Balkans thirty years after the most recent wars there ended. Psychic scars remain, but so does the ethnic solidarity that the US weaponized to break up Yugoslavia. If, as George Bush used to say, they hate us for our freedom, we hate them for their ethnicity, or as Tom (Fleming) put it:
“I think our ruling class does hate them, because it sees in them what we used to be. It sees Achilles and brave Horatius, Robin Hood and Jesse James; real men who settle their own accounts, fight their own battles, sing their own songs, and worship their own God, and because we have learned to hate ourselves and all that we have been, we want to destroy these presumptuous braggarts who think they have the right to their own identity.”
Having spent an equal amount of time with both the Croats and the Serbs, I can affirm that both groups have their own identities. I had that epiphany in Croatia watching Toni talk to the owner of a local restaurant where our group had stopped for lunch. The restaurant owner bought Toni’s wine; Tony brought tourists to his restaurant. Both men were in charge of their own operations. If the ADL had called up either man and told them to cancel lunch, I have a pretty idea of what they would have said, even if I can’t say it in Serb-Croatian. The conference on the Dangers of Beauty, which exceeded my wildest expectations, could only have taken place under the umbrella of Croatian ethnic solidarity. We were protected by their ethnic solidarity in a way that would have been impossible in America.
As an example of the opposite of what I’m talking about when referring to the situation in Croatia, I was scheduled to give a talk a Knights of Columbus Hall in Dallas. We had signed a written contract for renting the hall, but as soon as my name appeared on the diocesan website, the head of the local council informed us that the hall was no longer available in spite of that contract. I then called the man in charge informing him that in addition to signing that contract, I was a fellow Knight. Joe Sanchez was unmoved by this information. Hearing from a fellow Knight had no meaning. When I pressed the issue, all he could say was “I’m not going to debate with you.” So much for belonging to a Catholic fraternal organization. That and $2 might get you a cup of coffee at McDonald’s. When the Muslims heard about my plight, however, they offered to host my talk at the Irving Islamic Association. Not only that, a number of them attended the talk and liked it so much that they invited me back for my next talk in the Dallas area. So, all I can say to fellow Knight Joe Sanchez is “Allahu Akbar!” Allah has a plan, and it is not going to be thwarted by losers from the Knights of Columbus.